20 Recipes to Convince You Brussels Sprouts Are Actually Delicious (2024)

We’re so glad we outgrew our childhood hatred of Brussels sprouts. No one has to nag us to eat them now — in fact, we’re kind of obsessed. This trendy veggie seems to go well with everything and adds some new appeal to classic recipes. It’s also packed with nutritional benefits. Delicious and nutritious? No wonder we just can’t get enough! Join the Brussels sprout party and try out one of our 20 favorite recipes below.

1. Purple Brussels Sprout Salad With Pecans + Orange Garlic Dressing: You know we can’t get enough of that purple color pop. It doesn’t hurt that this beauty is packed with flavors — nutty pecans, vibrant citrus and a sharp hit of garlic. If you’re serving this at your next soiree, you could glam this salad up by color blocking the purple and green sprouts. (via Fake Food Free)

2. Chili-Spiced Sweet Potato Hash Browns With Roasted Veggies: A savory veggie fix for brunch? We’re sold. This dish combines spicy and sweet with a hearty topping of our favorite roasted veggie. (via Veggie and the Beast Feast)

3. Brussels Sprouts + Cheddar Quiche: Broccoli cheddar is delish, but why not try a new veggie cheese combo for your quiche? Brussels sprouts make this simple quiche extra special. (via The Chic Life)

4. Green Power Salad With Roasted Veggies: Walnuts, chickpeas and Brussels sprouts, oh my! A few of our favorite ingredients join forces in this nutritious, flavor-packed salad. It’s the perfect hearty vegetarian meal. (via Lemons and Basil)

5. Shaved Brussels Sprout Salad With Pear, Cranberries + Vegan Parmesan: Looking for a dreamy vegan salad? We’ve got you covered. Crunchy shaved sprouts pair perfectly with sweet pears and cranberries, while vegan parmesan gives the whole dish a salty kick. (via Love and Lentils)

6. Brussels, Bacon + Leek Fritters: Bacon meet Brussels in this killer recipe. Fry these two up in the form of fritters and it’s a match made in food heaven. (via Bell’alimento)

7. Brussels Sprout + Apple Coleslaw: Skip the same old coleslaw and give this unique raw slaw a try. We love the unexpected apples, which add a pop of sweetness and crunch. (via Lorimer Street Kitchen)

8. Cacio e Pepe With Brussels Sprouts: Who says Brussels sprouts can’t be decadent? Classic comfort food gets a gorgeous green upgrade when you add thinly sliced sprouts. (via What’s Gaby Cooking)

9. Potato and Brussels Sprout Salad: Swap out traditional potato salad with this light twist on a picnic classic! Brussels sprouts add an extra pop of flavor and texture. (via Highgate Hill Kitchen)

10. Tahini + Sprout Pie: This rustic savory pie is chock full of delicious super foods. Get your daily dose of ultra nutritious Brussels sprouts and tahini, served up on a decadent slab of pie crust. (via Chase That I Love)

11. Brussels Sprout Pesto: Skip the basil and try a whole new take on pesto! Brussels sprouts give traditional pesto a unique flavor while maintaining that beloved texture and color. This spread is perfect for crostinis or a gorgeous bowl of pasta. (via Multiculti Kitchen)

12. Pomegranate Lime Brussels Sprouts: Bright pomegranate seeds meet tart lime and fresh Brussels, delivering a color and flavor packed salad sure to lift you out of your salad rut. (via PDX Food Love)

13. Brussels Sprouts Pita Pizzas: How awesome is this stylish, grown-up take on the mini pizza?! Simple pita bread becomes the backbone for an elegant veggie-topped treat. (via Kitchen Treaty)

14. Roasted Brussels Sprouts With Sriracha Honey Drizzle: Roasted Brussels sprouts offer luxurious layers of crunch. They’re even more addictive when they’re dressed up with unexpected flavors, like this spicy sweet Sriracha honey drizzle. (via Dash of East)

15. Brussels Sprout Au Gratin with Horseradish + Parmesan Cheese: Feel a little more virtuous about a warm bowl of creamy, melted cheese by substituting the traditional potato with brussels sprouts. A little green makes that parmesan and cream taste even better. (via Natalie’s Daily Crave)

16. Roasted Brussels Sprout Chips With Balsamic: Meet your new movie night go-to snack. Popcorn and potato chips? Delish, but so last season. Get all the snacky, salty crunch you need with roasted Brussels sprout chips. (via Inspired Edibles)

17. Cheesy Brussels Sprout Dip: Everything is better with lots and lots of cheese, right? Right. (via Baked In)

18. Brussels Sprouts Roasted on the Stalk With Maple Butter Dijon Glaze: Have you ever seen Brussels sprouts still attached to the stalk? They’re gorgeous! We love the rustic feel of this roasted Brussels sprouts presentation. A maple syrup and dijon mustard laced butter glaze adds some flavorful flair. (via The Right Recipe)

19. Warm Bacon Brussels Sprout Salad: This recipe combines all of our favorites in one bowl — Brussels sprouts, warm bacon,and parmesan cheese. Yum! (via Table)

20. Seared Sea Scallops With Golden Raisin Puree + Bacon Braised Brussels Sprouts: We could always go for some seared sea scallops with all the trimmings, including Brussels sprouts braised in bacon. It’s the perfect recipe for the next time you want to wow your guests, or, you know, make yourself an awesome meal and binge watch TV. (via In Sock Monkey Slippers)

What’s your favorite Brussels sprout recipe? Leave us a comment and let us know how you’re cooking up your sprouts!

Claire Moshenberg

Claire is a freelance writer on the hunt for great recipes, DIYs, and cheese. She writes about her baking adventures and travels at A Sound That Quakes.

20 Recipes to Convince You Brussels Sprouts Are Actually Delicious (2024)


What gives Brussels sprouts a better taste? ›

Over the last twenty years, farmers have mellowed the "unpleasant" flavor of brussels sprouts by breeding a vegetable that contains fewer bitter compounds or glucosinolates. So, brussels sprouts just taste better than they used to when we were kids. The rub is that glucosinolates help protect sprouts against pests.

Are Brussel sprouts actually good? ›

Brussels sprouts are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a nutritious addition to your diet. They may also come with added health benefits, including decreased inflammation and improved immune system health.

Why do you soak Brussels sprouts before cooking? ›

Soaking Brussels sprouts in water is a terrific way to prep them to have a soft, juicy center that cooks to the perfect doneness in the same amount of time it takes those outer leaves to get nice and crispy.

What are the best things about brussel sprouts? ›

Eating a lot of Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous veggies may help protect against cancers of the stomach, lungs, kidney, breast, bladder, and prostate. Crunchy veggies like Brussels sprouts may also help you stave off other health issues, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes.

How to cook Brussels sprouts so they are not bitter? ›

In the case of Brussels Sprouts, sauté with a little bit of raw brown sugar and finish with a splash of white wine: the sugars and subtle tartness of a refreshing white wine will offset the bitterness but also help steam through the vegetables. A lot of people add a cheese sauce to brussels, cauliflower or broccoli.

Is it okay to eat Brussels sprouts raw? ›

It's hard to beat the caramelized crispness of roasted Brussels sprouts (perhaps with a maple-Dijon glaze), but these little green guys can also be eaten raw. They're delicious when shaved in a salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice, to start.

What is one major side effect of eating Brussels sprouts? ›

Although a healthy vegetable, consuming too many Brussels sprouts can be unsuitable for people on anticoagulants since it contains vitamin K, which results in blood clotting. Another issue with consuming Brussels sprouts excessively is that it can lead to gas and bloating.

When should you not eat Brussels sprouts? ›

If any of the leaves have brown spots or are yellowing, it's a sign of early spoilage. If you remove the blemished leaves and the interior looks OK, you can still use the sprout. However, if the interior leaves are also showing blemishes or yellowing, it's best to toss it (or compost it, if you can).

Which is healthier, broccoli or Brussels sprouts? ›

While broccoli may have a higher count of calories, fat, and carbs, it is richer in calcium, iron, and pantothenic acid (a B vitamin that does wonders for healthy hair), and has a bit more potassium. Brussels sprouts, on the other hand, are lower in sodium.

Is it better to roast Brussels sprouts whole or cut in half? ›

To maximize the flat areas, which get the most crispy surface area, cut your Brussels sprouts in half. If your Brussels sprouts are very small, you can leave them whole (and if they are very large, quarter them).

What happens if you don't wash Brussels sprouts? ›

It's important to wash Brussels sprouts before you eat them to get rid of dirt, bugs, pesticide residue, and bacteria. Luckily, it's easy to wash these delicious vegetables.

Is it better to steam or boil Brussels sprouts? ›

Steaming Brussels sprouts preserves more of the nutrients and antioxidants than any other cooking method. And they turn out tasting like crisp-tender, sweet little nuggets. Plus they're just about the quickest veggie side dish you can cook.

Who eats the most Brussels sprouts? ›

Containing more vitamin C than an orange and with just eighty calories in a half pound, Britons eat more of them than any other European country, around 40,000 tonnes a year — and yes, we do eat them all year round.

Which is healthier, cabbage or Brussels sprouts? ›

There are also nutritional differences - cabbage has fewer calories than Brussels sprouts, but also fewer nutrients, with sprouts containing higher concentrations of vitamins A and C, Folic Acid, Potassium, Magnesium and Phosphorus.

Who made Brussels sprouts taste better? ›

A Dutch scientist named Hans van Doorn, who worked at a seed and chemical company, figured out exactly which chemical compounds in Brussels sprouts made them bitter. The next step was to plant sprouts with the least amount of these chemicals and eventually cross-pollinate the chemicals out.

How does Gordon Ramsay cook Brussels sprouts? ›

Add the brussel sprout halves to a bowl with 1-2 tbsp olive oil, garlic powder, oregano, red chilli powder and salt. 4. Spread them on a baking tray with no parchment paper, with the center FACE DOWN. Bake or airfry at 400F for about 20-25 minutes.

Why do my Brussels sprouts taste weird? ›

Some people might have one of each form of the PTC gene, allowing them to have a partially working receptor and only taste part of the bitterness. On the other hand, some people will have both copies of the bitter-tasting PTC gene.

What causes Brussels sprouts to be bitter? ›

The bitter taste of Brussels sprouts comes from compounds called glucosinolates and their degradation products, he explains. These bitter tasting compounds are an important part of the plant's defence mechanism against leaf-eating enemies, such as insects, nematodes, slugs, and herbivores, like pigeons and deer.


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