On the Road to Baku. If Sanders is the nominee, Trump’ll take every state (but not the District of Columbia). @ConradMBlack (2024)


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On the Road to Baku. If Sanders is the nominee, Trump’ll take every state (but not the District of Columbia). @ConradMBlack (7)

On the Road to Baku. If Sanders is the nominee, Trump’ll take every state (but not the District of Columbia). @ConradMBlack (8)

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On the Road to Baku. If Sanders is the nominee, Trump’ll take every state (but not the District of Columbia). @ConradMBlack (11)

On the Road to Baku. If Sanders is the nominee, Trump’ll take every state (but not the District of Columbia). @ConradMBlack (12)

On Air Now

Larry Kudlow Show

Saturday 10AM-1PM

On the Road to Baku. If Sanders is the nominee, Trump’ll take every state (but not the District of Columbia). @ConradMBlack (15)

On the Road to Baku. If Sanders is the nominee, Trump’ll take every state (but not the District of Columbia). @ConradMBlack (16)

On Air Now

Larry Kudlow Show

Saturday 10AM-1PM

On the Road to Baku. If Sanders is the nominee, Trump’ll take every state (but not the District of Columbia). @ConradMBlack (19)

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On the Road to Baku. If Sanders is the nominee, Trump’ll take every state (but not the District o...


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Conrad Black, author, Flight of the Eagle: A Strategic History of the United States; in re: Lord Black wrote a biography of Chris’s grandfather. Acquittal: photo of the president doing his best Truman holding up the WaPo front page. The Democrats will now have to live without the Damoclean sword held over his head; they’ll have to run against his formidable record, which ranks with those of Nixon and Franklin Roosevelt. Special Counsel Durham. The “highly-energized left” ran flat in Iowa; if Sanders becomes the nominee, Trump will take every state and not the District of Columbia. If they can’t elevate Bloomberg, they’ll have a terrible disaster, which they’ve invited. Rep Devin Nunes: Yes, we can re-take the House; looking for 50 seats. The RNC and Pres Trump will not be short of funds. The mediocrity of the Dem candidates, the collusion fraud, this ridiculous impeachment—what was alleged wasn’t impeachable and he wasn’t at all guilty of any of it—this was worse that the impeachments of Nixon, Johnson. Eighty per cent of illegal immigration has been stopped; the US is the only nation in the world where the widening disparity is being addressed, and others—every American will be aware of these, and they’ll be rewarded. (On a plane, JB sat next to a German engineer living in Bahrain: “Are you really going to elect Bernie Sanders?? Do they want a Socialist in America?”) Dems put Podesta back on the national committee.

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On the Road to Baku.  If Sanders is the nominee, Trump’ll take every state (but not the District of Columbia).  @ConradMBlack (2024)


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.