LED vs. Incandescent Bulbs: Which One is Better? (2024)

We all know how important it is to have good lighting in your space. Not only it gives you good illumination for working but it also provides great ambiance.

When looking for the perfect lighting options, you might need clarification about which light type you should choose. LED and incandescent bulbs are two popular bulb options available for any type of lighting.

In this article, we will give you a detailed review of these so that you can easily choose the bulb type that suits your preferences.

Background on LED Bulbs

LED lighting systems were discovered about half a century ago by a scientist named Nick Holonyak. These were known as the first light-emitting diodes. At first, these LED bulbs were red in color followed by blue and green, and then In the 1990s white colored LED bulbs were made. Initially, these LED bulbs were very expensive to use gradually with an increase in technology. Now they have become one of the most common and fastest-developing lighting sources around the world.

LED vs. Incandescent Bulbs: Which One is Better? (1)

Explanation of LED (Light-Emitting Diode) Technology

LED (Light-Emitting diode) is known as a type of solid-state lighting. It is a semiconductor device that emits light when current flows through it. Unlike other lighting sources such as incandescent lights LEDs are not just a source of white-colored light. Instead, they emit monochromatic light which makes them highly efficient for other colored lighting applications. Nowadays LED light technology provides higher lumination for any lighting source no matter where it is to be used indoors or outdoors. LED technology has many applications in various fields such as alarm and security systems, optical communication, robotics, and remote-controlled operations. LED technology has vast usage over other technologies due to its high efficiency, low price, longevity, and low power requirements along with fast switching capabilities.

Advantages of LED bulbs

LED bulbs have the great advantage of energy saving and cost efficiency as compared to incandescent or any other lighting sources. Switching to LED bulbs will bring a visible change in your electricity bills as LED bulbs use less energy and give more lumination. In this era of technology, LED lighting is referred to as the most economical and efficient lighting source in all fields of lighting due to their ability of less usage of energy and higher output along with longer lifespan, durability, and multipurpose qualities.

Various Applications of LED Bulbs

LED lights are more often used in residential areas due to their high efficacy, longevity, and less and easy maintenance required. They don’t get hot easily and are safe to use in indoor spaces. Also, they use less power, which is essential for residential lighting and helps them pay lower electricity bills. Switching to energy-saving LED bulbs is one of the best decisions to be made for your pocket.

In commercial and industrial areas, there is always a need for a perfect lighting system to carry out all operations smoothly. For that reason, the LED lighting system is always a choice due to its specificity in special characteristics like luminosity and wattage. The design of the LED bulb offers less consumption of energy with much more amount of light with reduced wattage. The most important consideration for lighting systems in commercial and industrial areas should be the wattage of light, along with the lower power consumption. In the LED system, you have options to choose the light of your specific requirements with specific wattage for your space. For commercial use, luminosity is important due to the need for more brightness as compared to residential areas. LED lights resolve your problem by offering you to choice of the number of lumens of your choice for your lights For brighter lumination lumens are used in higher numbers so choose wisely one for your space according to your needs.

Numerous LED lighting fixtures are available in the market, which makes it more attractive to commercial property developers as there is always high quality required for commercial use such as in parking lot hallways, bathrooms, store spaces, elevators, and offices.

For door lighting, LED lights play an important role due to their higher safety and durability in different conditions like changes in weather temperature and humidity conditions. For outside use, they require limited maintenance, and there is no need to replace LED bulbs frequently, which is another aspect of using them outside. Also, they don’t need any warm-up or cooling down; they just instantly turn on and off without any wastage of time.

Background on Incandescent Bulbs

Incandescent bulbs come in one of the oldest lighting techniques. The first inventor of the incandescent bulb was ”Thomas Edison” in the 1800s. These bulbs work on one of the oldest methods of lighting which is the incandescence phenomenon which means light emission can be caused by heating filament. These have been used widely with slight modifications ever since.

Explanation of Incandescent Bulb Technology

Incandescent lighting is known as the original form of lighting. Incandescence term is usually used for the light produced by heat radiations. Incandescent light bulbs are glass or metal devices that contain an electric wire tungsten filament that produces lumination when heated by a passing current. The current is supplied to the filament through terminal wires embedded in a glass case which is attached through a metal base. The current used is high in resistance so it causes the bulb’s filament to heat up and glow with light. These bulbs contain a glass mount attached to the metal base, which is then attached to the fixture for current flow. The glass mount contains metal filament it that produces lumination to protect this filament from damage and evaporation. The outer glass case contains inert gasses or a vacuum.

LED vs. Incandescent Bulbs: Which One is Better? (2)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Incandescent Bulbs

It is a universal truth whenever, there is any invention that will have many advantages along with disadvantages, such is the case with incandescent bulbs as they were widely used in the past for lumination purposes. They are one of the forms of lighting that were used 100 years ago. Incandescent bulbs work on heating techniques of filament through current flow.

In the past, these bulbs were widely used with slight modification with the passage of time. In that era, they were cheaper and economical for use in household and commercial areas. The incandescent bulb is a fairly simple device manufactured in a wide range of design sizes and voltage output ratings. They don’t require any regulating equipment and have low manufacturing costs, so incandescent bulbs are pocket-friendly to be purchased.

Along with that, there are many other advantages of incandescent bulbs, such as

  • They provide you with warm and natural light that makes your place’s ambiance more authentic and vibrant as they produce light that is very close to sunlight.
  • They are also heat-producing so can be safely used in bathrooms, incubators, lava lamps, heating lamps, or in food warming lamps.
  • They are also cheaper in price due to low-cost manufacturing

While incandescent light bulbs’ design has been improved over time still they have many drawbacks to be used nowadays.

They are less efficient than other lighting sources and they consume more energy and give less output. Less than 5% of the overall energy consumed by incandescent bulbs is converted into visible light and the rest of that is lost as heat which is a major drawback. More power voltage is required to run an incandescent bulb as compared to an LED bulb and in return, it gives less lumination than an LED bulb.

Along with this, there are many other disadvantages of incandescent bulbs.

  • They have a shorter lifespan and they will provide service of just 750-2000 hours. And require replacement every 3 to 4 months which causes inconvenience.
  • They heat up so much that there is a chance of damage to electric fixtures due to overheating and can even pose a fire which is an alarming condition.
  • They are highly fragile and can be damaged with little shock as compared to LED bulbs
  • The use of incandescent bulbs is not a pocket-friendly choice as they are meant to be replaced after some time which makes them expensive to use.
  • They have a major drawback of getting expired without any indication of dimmer light which may leave you in darkness when you are in the middle of work.
  • Emitted light from incandescent bulbs is not perfectly white so it may not work for many places where bright light is required.
LED vs. Incandescent Bulbs: Which One is Better? (3)

LED vs. Incandescent: A Comparison

A. Energy Efficiency

Comparing incandescent bulbs and LED bulbs while considering energy efficiency. Typically LEDs are 4 times more efficient than incandescent bulbs. Incandescents waste up to 90% of consumed energy in heat while LEDs are highly energy efficient and provide higher output lumination while using lesser input energy power. Some governments in different countries have started to phase out incandescent lights due to their over power consumption to reduce waste of energy.

B. Lifespan and Durability

LED lights or bulbs have a much longer lifespan than that of incandescent bulbs. LEDs last 25 times more.

LEDs require low maintenance and are used for a longer period of time while incandescent bulbs are not used more than 3 months and require replacement after every 3 months which is an inconvenience for users.

C. Environmental Impact

When it comes to environmental aspects LEDs produce less environmental pollution and release fewer CO2 emissions as compared to incandescent LEDs are more environmentally friendly.

Whereas incandescent lights emit Mercury vapors that are dangerous to the environment.

Light Quality and Versatility

The light quality of LED has a lead over incandescent bulbs as LEDs provide a wide range of lumination according to the need of any space and range whereas incandescent bulbs have dimmer light and are of mostly darker colored light which is not favorable to be used in most of the places like it can’t be used in outdoor lighting or in commercial areas.

Along with these drawbacks, the lighting industry cannot deny that the aesthetics of incandescent bulbs cannot be achieved easily through LEDs.

Incandescent bulbs are aesthetically versatile and are widely used for photography purposes.

LED vs. Incandescent Bulbs: Which One is Better? (4)

Consumer Considerations

Here is a full guide for consumers to choose the required lighting system for their space according to their needs, preferences, and budget.

A.Cost Analysis

Switching from incandescent bulbs to LEDs will ensure you a noticeable reduction in your electricity bills as they consume less power than incandescent bulbs and give you more lumination in return. Incandescent bulbs are considered to be 5x more expensive to operate than LED bulbs so always choose wisely while purchasing one for you.

B. Long-Term Cost Savings

When we talk about long-term cost saving it is obvious that it can be achieved in lighting systems by using LED bulbs as they have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance as compared to incandescent bulbs that have a very short lifespan and require replacement after some time. So by using LED bulbs, you will have cost savings for a durable time period.

C. Specific Lighting Needs and Preferences

While selecting lights or bulbs for your space consumers must consider the requirements of the space whether it needs brighter or dimmer light. If you are buying lights for your study table then you should go with the aesthetic of incandescent light but if you are trying to find the perfect bright light for your office space then you should choose LED lights.

LED vs. Incandescent Bulbs: Which One is Better? (5)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the Advantages of LED Bulbs Compared to Incandescent Bulbs?

LED bulbs have several advantages over incandescent bulbs. They are highly energy-efficient, resulting in significant cost savings over time. LED bulbs also have a much longer lifespan and are more environmentally friendly due to their lower energy consumption and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Are Incandescent Bulbs Still a Viable Option Despite Their Disadvantages?

While incandescent bulbs produce warm and natural light and have a low upfront cost, they are not as energy-efficient as LED bulbs and have a shorter lifespan. Due to their higher energy consumption, incandescent bulbs are becoming less popular and are being phased out in many countries in favor of more efficient lighting alternatives.

How Do LED and Incandescent Bulbs Compare in Terms of Light Quality?

LED bulbs offer various advantages in terms of light quality. They come in different color temperatures and have a high Color Rendering Index (CRI), which means they can accurately reproduce colors. LED bulbs also often have dimming capabilities, providing flexibility in adjusting the brightness to suit different lighting needs.

What Factors Should Consumers Consider When Choosing Between LED and Incandescent Bulbs?

Consumers should consider factors such as initial cost, long-term cost savings, specific lighting needs and preferences, and compatibility with existing fixtures and dimmers. While LED bulbs may have a higher upfront cost, their energy efficiency and long lifespan make them more cost-effective in the long run.

What Does the Future Hold for Lighting Technology?

The future of lighting technology is moving towards more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly options. LED technology continues to advance, with improvements in efficiency, light quality, and affordability. Other emerging technologies, such as OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) and smart lighting systems, are also gaining traction, offering innovative and sustainable lighting solutions.


What do you think? Do you need to go with an LED or an incandescent bulb? I personally like LED bulbs as they better suit my preference. Yours will obviously be different from my choice. After reading this article, I hope you have made a decision about which bulb type will be good for you. So go ahead and buy the lighting fixture of your choice. Make the best choice by following our recommendations.

LED vs. Incandescent Bulbs: Which One is Better? (2024)


LED vs. Incandescent Bulbs: Which One is Better? ›

LED lights are generally considered safer than incandescent bulbs due to their lower operating temperature. Incandescents produce a significant amount of heat, posing a fire risk if they come into contact with flammable materials. In contrast, LEDs emit very little heat, reducing the risk of burns or fire hazards.

Which is better, LED or incandescent lights? ›

LEDs last longer than any light source commercially available on the market. Lifespans are variable but typical values range from 25,000 hours to 200,000 hours or more before a lamp or fixture requires replacement. Incandescent lights have the worst lifespan of any bulb on the market (roughly 1,200 hours).

Why are incandescent bulbs better? ›

Low or No EMF

Incandescent and halogen (the enhanced, brighter version of incandescent) light bulbs produce very little EMF and are considered EMF-safe. As far as light bulbs go, incandescent will have the essentially zero (or at least very low) EMF emissions.

What is the healthiest light bulb? ›

We suggest using incandescent or halogen bulbs throughout the day + night if you're after a greater sense of well-being. Also - unlike most harshly flickering LED or fluorescent bulbs - incandescents (and color-correct halogens like Chromalux®) will also be the healthiest type of light for your eyes!

Which light bulb is best for eyes? ›

Warm light is best for the eyes. This includes filtered natural light and light produced by incandescent and LED light bulbs. Spread out lighting in your home and workspace to ensure sufficient lighting.

Why are LED bulbs preferred over incandescent bulbs? ›

LED bulbs are increasingly preferred over filament bulbs because they switch on instantly, heat emitted is low, and are not made of any hazardous materials, besides needs to be replaced only on an average of 400 hours only.

When should you not use LED bulbs? ›

LED light bulbs are safe to use in the majority of fixtures and fittings. There are some applications where specific LED bulbs should not be fully enclosed because they can overheat, which results in the bulb burning out prematurely.

What are the disadvantages of incandescent light bulbs? ›

One of the main disadvantages of incandescent bulbs is their energy efficiency. They use a lot of energy to produce light and are not as efficient as LED bulbs. This means they cost more to operate and contribute to higher energy bills. Incandescent bulbs also have a shorter lifespan than LED bulbs.

Why is it better to use an LED instead of a bulb? ›

LED light bulbs use up to 85% less electricity than traditional light bulbs and 95% of that energy is converted to light with only 5% wasted as heat. Not only does that energy efficiency save money on your bills, it also reduces your impact on the environment.

Should I replace incandescent bulbs with LED? ›

They can last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs, which reduces the frequency of replacements and lowers maintenance costs. Additionally, LED bulbs emit very little heat, making them safer to use and reducing the strain on cooling systems during warmer months.

Can I still buy incandescent bulbs? ›

Is there an incandescent bulb ban? The short answer: yes. Most incandescent and halogen products were phased out in 2023.

Why did they stop making incandescent light bulbs? ›

Why certain light bulbs are now banned. General service lamps, or lightbulbs, are now being regulated to conserve energy and help consumers save on their energy bills, according to the Department of Energy. New technology, such as LED lights, are proving to be much more efficient at lighting homes.

Which is safer, incandescent or LED? ›

Safer: LEDs are much cooler than incandescent lights, reducing the risk of combustion or burnt fingers. Sturdier: LEDs are made with epoxy lenses, not glass, and are much more resistant to breakage. Longer lasting: The same LED string could still be in use 40 holiday seasons from now.

What light bulbs are closest to natural light? ›

Halogen bulbs are a type of incandescent that gives a close approximation of natural daylight, known as "white light." Colors appear sharper under halogen light and the bulbs can be dimmed. They're a little more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs, but they're more expensive and burn at a higher temperature.

What is the best indoor light bulb? ›

Your Best Light Bulb Choice

General-purpose LED bulbs fit standard light sockets and are the most energy-efficient option. LED bulbs have a lower wattage than incandescent bulbs — meaning they use less energy — but still have the same light output. LED bulbs can last more than 20 years and don't contain mercury.

Why is it better to use LED lamp instead of incandescent electric lamp? ›

Efficiency of LED Lights

This is much more efficient, as nearly 100% of the emitted energy from an LED source is useable visible light. Due to varying energy use, LED traffic lights are known to last approximately 10 times longer than incandescent traffic lights.

How much does it cost to run an LED light bulb for 24 hours? ›

On average, a 10W LED light bulb used for 24 hours will cost about $0.10 to $0.20. This is significantly less than traditional incandescent bulbs, making LED bulbs a cost-effective and energy-efficient choice for both indoor and outdoor lighting.

Do LED lights give off more light than incandescent? ›

For starters, LED bulbs last much, much longer than incandescent bulbs, and they put out the same amount of light using significantly less energy. That's great for the environment, and it can save you money on your electricity bill in the long term, especially if you're upgrading a whole home's worth of bulbs.

Are incandescent bulbs better for your eyes? ›

Traditional incandescent bulbs are fine, but many people are looking for a more energy efficient option. Luckily, “warm light” CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lights) are okay for your eyes, as well as being much more efficient. They do emit UV rays, but a much smaller amount. You can also use LED bulbs or halogens.


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