Find Driving Instructors Near You with AA Driving School (2024)


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    Find Driving Instructors Near You with AA Driving School (2)

    Find Driving Instructors Near You with AA Driving School (3)

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    • Over 1 million driving lessons delivered in 2019
    • 99% of our pupils would recommend us*
    • 75% of pupils passed with 40 hours of lessons or fewer

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  • Find Driving Instructors Near You with AA Driving School (2024)


    Do you get a discount on AA driving lessons? ›

    We offer a range of flexible lesson booking options – tailor-made to suit you. And to help you get up and running, we've got great discounts on your first booking (as long as the instructor's participating).

    Are there free driving lessons in NYC? ›

    Learning to drive is an important rite of passage for many youth and also positions them for various employment opportunities. The ACS Driver's Education program will provide youth with access to a licensed driving school in the Bronx and Brooklyn/Queens free of charge to the youth and his/her foster care agency.

    How much is 12 driving lessons? ›

    Manual Driving Lessons
    1 Lesson6 Lessons12 Lessons

    How many driving lessons do you need in NYC? ›

    The DMV recommends that all learners have a minimum of 50 hours of supervised practice driving before they take their road tests, with at least 15 hours at night (after sunset).

    How can I save money on driving lessons? ›

    Book two-hour lessons

    The second hour is often at a reduced rate, meaning you get the same length of time behind the wheel but it works out much cheaper. Of course, two-hour lessons might not be for everyone, but if you think you can manage it then this is often the best route to go down.

    How many lessons on average do you need to pass? ›

    That said, most sources agree that 35-50 hours of driving lessons is better. The average amount of driving lessons should be 40-45 hours before taking your driving test. Some people decide that 20-30 hours or maybe even less is enough – but remember that the more lessons you take, the better you will become at driving.

    How much is the 6 hour driving class in NY? ›

    The 6-Hour New York Point & Insurance Reduction Course is only $23.95.

    How much are NYC driving lessons? ›

    Manhattan Driving School
    • 60 minute driving lesson (Manhattan) Original price: $79.00. Base price with tax: Sales price: $71.10. ...
    • 90 minute driving lesson (Manhattan) Original price: $118.00. Base price with tax: Sales price: $106.20. ...
    • 5 hour pre-licensing course Zoom (Manhattan) Original price: $50.00. Base price with tax:

    What's the 5 hour driving course in NY? ›

    The Pre-Licensing Course includes approximately 5 hours of instruction. New drivers must complete the course before taking a DMV road test and applying for a license, unless they complete the State's 48-hour Driver Education Program through their local high school or college.

    How long does it take to learn to drive? ›

    Research shows that, on average, it takes people 45 hours of driving lessons with a driving instructor plus 22 hours of private practice to pass their test. But those who manage 100 hours of driving lessons plus practice are much safer on the road after their test.

    Is it okay to change driving instructor? ›

    If you feel like your driving instructor is not right for you, you should consider finding a new one. If you're learning with a driving school, you can email or call the school directly and ask to change instructors. That way, you avoid having to confront the instructor if you don't feel comfortable doing so.

    How much are ladybird driving lessons? ›

    The cost of the EDT lessons ranges from €390 to €549, with an average of €459. These lessons are highly professional and should be learned with utmost dedication. The driving test for car costs around €85 while the driving license for 10 years costs €55.

    Is one driving lesson a week enough? ›

    In other words, taking one driving lesson a week won't be enough for your brain to work to its full potential. Even though you have plenty of commitments outside of lessons, you need to acknowledge that learning to drive takes a significant amount of focus and determination.

    Do you have to parallel park in a driving test in NY? ›

    Parallel parking takes skill and is part of every road test. You must know where parking is illegal and what NO PARKING, NO STANDING and NO STOPPING signs indicate.

    How to pass road test in NY? ›

    What to know the day of your New York road test
    1. Steer and accelerate smoothly and moderately whether your driving straight ahead, backing up or turning. ...
    2. Don't drive too slow. ...
    3. Brake smoothly. ...
    4. Turn into the same lane. ...
    5. Always look in the direction you're driving. ...
    6. Stop correctly at stop signs.

    What is the difference between AA and red driving school? ›

    Driver Training Programme

    The AA provide 60 hours of guaranteed one-to-one tuition with a dedicated trainer at a time to suit you. Red provide a combination of distance learning, classroom training and in-car tuition (one-to-one tuition is not guaranteed).

    What does my AA cover me for? ›

    Your roadside assistance will always include: 24/7 cover for breakdowns over 1/4 mile from home. a tow to a nearby garage if we can't fix your vehicle at the roadside. unlimited call-outs.

    What do you get for a gold membership with AA? ›

    Once you have been a Member for 5 years you become a Gold Member and get access to all of the benefits available. This includes free cover for up to 3 under 17s in your household and support from specialist services such as legal advice.

    Do driving instructors charge for cancelled lessons? ›

    If you do not give at least 48 hours' notice of cancellation You will be charged for the lesson(s) concerned in full. In the event of you having booked your driving test, the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) requires you to give three clear working days to cancel your test.


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    Article information

    Author: Madonna Wisozk

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5728

    Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

    Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Madonna Wisozk

    Birthday: 2001-02-23

    Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

    Phone: +6742282696652

    Job: Customer Banking Liaison

    Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

    Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.